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15 Therefore, these cried out, Away, away, hang him on HaEtz! Pilate says to them, Shall I hang on HaEtz your Melech? In reply, the Kohen Gadol said, We do not have a Melech except Caesar.

16 Then, therefore, Pilate delivered Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to them that he should be hanged on HaEtz. [DEVARIM 21:22] Therefore, they took Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

17 And carrying by himself HaEtz (The Tree) [BERESHIS 22:6; DEVARIM 21:23], he went out to the place being called Mekom HaGulgolet (Place of the Skull), which is called in Aramaic Gulgolta.

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